What is family counselling? 

Family counselling is talking therapy services provided by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. The Centre offers professional guidance to couples and families who experience challenges in family life or who are in crisis due to a difficult life event.

We specialize in couples counselling and relationship issues, but also individuals are welcome. The therapists and the secretary are bound by professional secrecy and the counselling sessions are strictly confidential.

The visits are free of charge for the clients. The local parishes pay for the services. You do not have to be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church or be a Christian to use these services.

The areas that we serve: Vaasa, Vähäkyrö, Mustasaari, Laihia and neighboring areas on the coast.

Becoming a client:

Appointments can be booked by calling 044 480 8491 Monday-Friday at 9-11 am or sending an e-mail to vaasan.perheneuvonta@evl.fi.

The approximate waiting time varies from two weeks to one month. The Family Counselling Centre is located in the Vaasa city centre at Raastuvankatu 13, 2nd floor.

Just a single session can help you move forward. Let us know if you want to try one-time counselling when you contact us!

Common reasons for visiting the Family Counselling Centre are:

  • difficulties in communication
  • divorce – to prevent it or to get through it
  • difficult phase of life – for example becoming a parent or empty nest syndrome
  • difficult life events
  • infidelity
  • problems with relatives
  • emotional, physical, sexual, religious or economic violence
  • sexual problems

Link to a website with general information about family counselling i the Evangelical Lutheran Church of FinlandThe link opens in a new tab


Information in other languages:

Link to the Finnish website for family counselling in VaasaThe link opens in a new tab

Link to the Swedish website family counselling in VaasaThe link opens in a new tab

The Parish of Vaasa has English speaking services and other activities. Click here for more information!

Link to Lutheran International Church in Vaasa


The door to Family Counselling Centre is open for anyone with relationship issues

Contact us

johtava perheneuvoja
Seurakuntatyön erityispalvelut
Perheasiain neuvottelukeskus, Raastuvankatu 13, 2. krs
65100 Vaasa
Seurakuntatyön erityispalvelut
Perheasiain neuvottelukeskus, Raastuvankatu 13, 2. krs
65100 Vaasa
Seurakuntatyön erityispalvelut
Perheasiain neuvottelukeskus, Raastuvankatu 13, 2. krs
65100 Vaasa
vastaanottosihteeri 50 %
Seurakuntatyön erityispalvelut
Perheasiain neuvottelukeskus, Raastuvankatu 13, 2. krs
65100 Vaasa

Perheasian neuvottelukeskuksen ajanvaraus ma–pe klo 9–11.